Digital Marketing

About Us

In Present Days, Internet is core and major source of any business growth and promotion. Now if you are dealing through Internet, you need responsive website as well quality SEO for your website. User searching starts with search engine. Let's suppose your website has unique and creative looks but it is not hitting by any visitors. So your website designing and development efforts goes in vain that's where the power of SEO comes. With adopting SEO Services, you can increase visibility as well growth of your business. SEO makes your website to reach in top positions in search results. With the help of SEO services you will stay ahead of your competitors and it will help in preparing for improved market for your online business. Which aims to achieve high rating of your online business.

SEO Services

  • Directory Submissions
  • SE Compatibility Analysis
  • Back links Development
  • PPC Management
  • Meta Tags Placement
  • Article Submissions
  • Website Competitive Analysis
  • HTML Validation Checking
  • Google Analytics
  • Link Popularity Development
  • Content Optimization
  • Keyword Marketing Research
  • Browser Compatibility Checking
  • Google Ad sense.

At Iris Graphic Studio we provide the best growing path for online business to our clients. We also provide the Social media Optimization to our clients

We offer social media optimization (SMO) services at low cost. Our SMO service in India and rest world, are planned to help companies as like yours. We create a brand name for your company and then market your products via online social media optimization. Our main application of SMO services is to bring traffic to your site from various online social networks other than big search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. You will also be assured to improve search engine rankings by having successful social media optimization services with us. Social Media Optimization is one of the best ways for business owners to get search engine marketing.

SMO Services

Our social media optimization services include various large social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. We provide both ON site SMO and OFF site SMO services.

On Site SMO

  • Sharing on website/ Like buttons
  • RSS Feeds
  • User rating about new products/ services

Off Site SMO

  • Joining social media marketing sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc.
  • Page creation and designing
  • Connect your brand name to various similar groups and circles.
  • Participate in discussions
  • Daily updates to keep in touch
  • Create blogs for websites
  • Building social community with forums

Let's Build

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